Update for Swim School Members at HHLC

Update for Swim School Members at HHLC

The team will be contacting members on the swim school programme at Haden Hill within the next couple of weeks to discuss the options for swimming lessons. There are a large number of people on the swimming lessons programme, so we anticipate this may take a couple of weeks to make contact with everyone, and we thank everyone in advance for their patience.


The following are the three options for customers to consider: 

1. Move lessons: You can move your lesson temporarily to another leisure centre while Haden Hill is closed (you will be credited for any lessons missed in March). If you choose this option please do not cancel the direct debit with your bank, your payments will go out as usual. 

2. Cancel/Refund: If you do not intend to remain on the lesson programme, please cancel the direct debit with your bank at your earliest opportunity. During your call with the team, you will need to advise them of this and arrangements will be made to cancel your lessons. Any refunds due for lessons missed in March due to the closure will be arranged in due course.

3. Suspend/Credit: If you want to keep your place on the register and continue with lessons HHLC re-opens, we will suspend your payments and keep your place on the register (this means you keep your space in the current class).

Please note: We will not be able to suspend the direct debit payment scheduled for April, so in this instance a payment will leave your account on 01.04.23. This payment will be used as credit for the first month that you return to the lessons. Please do not cancel the direct debit if you are opting for a suspension, as this will automatically cancel the lesson on our system and you will lose the space on the current register.


Credits and refunds for March will be issued over the coming weeks. 


We politely ask you to decide your preferred option to discuss when you are contacted, this will help the team deal with your request in the most timely manner.

Thank you for your ongoing patience.