Portway Site Fitness Coordinator reveals exciting plans for the year ahead

are wishing Portway's Site Fitness co-ordinator Natasha all the best as she leaves to
start her Maternity Leave (Baby due May).
Natasha said: “Thank you to all the staff, instructors and members who have supported me since I returned to the role from maternity in May 2022.
Liz, one of the Gym Instructors here, who I’m sure a lot of you know has been appointed to cover my position for the next 12 months. Congratulations Liz!
have some exiting plans for Portway this year which Liz will be leading on,
these include:
Due to the popularity and demand, adding an additional Inclusive Circuits
class and Chair Yoga class to our timetable
- Return of the 8 week running club
- Return of the ‘Ladies That Lift’ programme
- Return of our family friendly ‘Couch to 5k’ programme
Looking to introduce more classes/activities for children and families
And more!"
added: “I am excited to be covering the role of SFC here at Portway for the
next 12 months.
If you see me around the centre, please come and say
‘Hi’, my door will always be open to discuss anything needed”