October Half-Term Holiday Camp Success

October Half-Term Holiday Camp Success

Tipton Sports Academy delivered a 'FREE' holiday camp for children who live in Sandwell during October half-term, which was funded by Tesco Community Grants.

It was a great success with 53 children attending the camp throughout the week and all had a fabulous time!

There were a range of activities on offer including tennis, football, hockey, cricket, dodgeball, plus a session on Air Mayhem each day and also Halloween based arts and crafts activities. 

Michelle R Jones, Programme Co-ordinator at Tipton Sports Academy, commented “ It’s been a great experience for all the team to play a part in this programme. We have all enjoyed seeing how the activities have made a difference to the local children, and we hope that all the children integrate the learning and fun into their every day lives.”

With thanks to Tesco Community Grants for supporting this programme. 

Customer Feedback:

'Jakk really enjoyed holiday camps he enjoys all sport, staff were excellent' 
'It's great for the children, hope it can run again'
'It was lovely that it was free for all children. My boys wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise.' 
'Brilliant staff! My son would definitely love to come to another camp in the future'
'Fantastic club both of my children very much enjoyed' 
'The holiday camp is a fantastic idea my son loved it and the staff are fantastic they really get to know the children and help them and make you feel welcomed. I'm so happy with sending my son to the club and would send him again' 

Pictured: Kerry Lowe, Tesco Community Champion and her team at TSA on 18/10/22 to present the funding worth £1500. 
Also including members of the Team at Tipton Sports Academy.