Meet The Member - Lucy

Our team had a fantastic opportunity to meet Lucy Harper on
a recent visit to Haden Hill Leisure Centre. Lucy shared with us her insightful
fitness journey.
Can you confirm your full name, occupation, and
the town you live in?
Lucy Harper, I work in a restaurant, and I live in
Tell us about your fitness journey?
I have been a member for just over a year. I lost quite a bit of weight and felt like I
need that class environment to help me. My friend went all the time and I
decided to go to my first indoor cycling class with Andrea and I haven’t looked
back ever since.
However, I then suffered from a knee injury, so I had to
stop attending classes. The hospital informed me that I needed keyhole surgery,
so I started swimming. Swimming was a great way that I could have a full body workout, but
also giving my knee time to heal.
It was disappointing not to be able go to Sprint in this
period however sometimes I just sat and peddled so I could hear the music and
feel a part of that class.
Is there any reason you use Haden Hill Leisure
It was recommended by my friend. I have built close
friendships up with instructors and members so I wouldn’t go anywhere else.
Instructors are always supportive with my workouts, and they
try to adapt with me if I’m in a 1-2-1.
The biggest thing for me is my mental well-being, there is
always someone to talk to whether it is Andrea or Clive, they are always
willing to listen.
I don’t see Heather very often, but every time I need
advice she is brilliant and is always willing to help.
What are your favourite sessions and why?
I love Sprint and I perform well in the session. I have
started attending again and I know what I can do without hurting my knee.
I used to love Grit but my knee needs a longer period of
recovery before I return. That class has an amazing buzz.
How did you get advice about diet?
Diet wise I know myself, but it’s hard to keep motivated. I
talk to Andrea about diet a lot, she helps with heathy diets, carb intake and
things like that.
What motivates you to keep going?
Motivating myself is hard but I keep going because I know
when I walk into Haden Hill it’s like a family who supports you all the time.
What do you think about Myzone, does it make a
Myzone is hard, as I can no longer do what I used to. I
think you get to fixated on red chasing and it’s not always about that... I
know now that if it’s blue or grey I’ve worked out. It’s all about getting into the mindset,
which I now realise myself.
Can you offer any advice for anyone thinking of
starting a healthier lifestyle?
I think the first issue is stepping through the doors. Being bigger it’s hard as you are not a typical gym size, but honestly, I’ve never been as fit as I am now, being bigger doesn’t stop me.
The most important
thing is the support from the team and the other members, they are all
Do you follow SLT on social media, what do you
see as the benefits?
I do follow SLT on social media, as I like to see updates
on new classes including Les Mills. I
also enjoy seeing what other SLT centres are doing.