Haden Hill Leisure Centre Swimming Pool Update

Haden Hill Leisure Centre Swimming Pool Update

Important Customer Information - both swimming pools at Haden Hill Leisure Centre will remain closed whilst inspection works continue.

Sandwell Council who provide all maintenance for the centre are now considering options to ‘tap test’ the integrity of the remaining surface rendering covering the ceilings of both pool halls at Haden Hill Leisure Centre. We will update customers as soon as we get any further information as this will require a detailed inspection of both pool hall areas. Therefore we anticipate both pools will remain closed until further notice. 

Existing Swim ONE members will be able to temporarily access the fitness classes and gym at Haden Hill Leisure Centre, whilst the swimming pools are not available. Swim ONE Members can also access swimming at other SLT sites or suspend their membership if they wish.

Please click here to suspend your membership.

The team at Haden Hill will be contacting all swimming lesson customers, schools, clubs, and other pool hirers to relocate to other SLT swimming pools where possible to do so.  Our teams will begin contacting customers for swimming lessons next week in day order of lessons . Please wait to be contacted as our team work through this process.  

Swimming lesson direct debits will be credited for any missed sessions during the closure, and block payments extended. Any swimming lessons that are not able to be relocated to other swimming pools will be able to be cancelled and be refunded. 

Thank you for your understanding and patience whilst the team progress with all enquires. 

All sessions that were scheduled to take place in pools have been cancelled this includes public swimming, school swimming, club use & swimming lessons. Please note: all other activity areas are open as usual, including gym, studio, sauna/steam  and sports hall.

Please do not call or email the centre for updates whilst our team are working to relocate swimmers. Further updates will be posted on our social channels and on the website.

Alternative swimming sessions are available at other SLT centres.
