Closing date for Smethwick & Langley Swimming Centres

Closing date for Smethwick & Langley Swimming Centres

With the new exciting Sandwell Aquatics Centre opening on 24th July, we can confirm that both Smethwick Swimming Centre and Langley Swimming Centre’s last day of service will be Friday 14th July, both sites will then close to the public.


These much loved centres have given the residents of Sandwell an amazing amount of pleasure since their opening back in the 1930’s. It would be impossible to calculate the thousands and thousands of local residents that have learnt to swim and enjoyed using these iconic centres.


Members will be receiving further updates about their membership transfer and other frequently asked questions. However you can also email or visit the pre-sale hub located at Smethwick Swimming Centre with any questions or support you may need.


We would like to thank all the loyal members and customers who have supported both centres over many years and we look forward to welcoming you to Sandwell Aquatics Centre when it opens to the public on 24th July.


Finally, we would also like to acknowledge and thank all our staff teams at both centres who have continued to work hard to deliver great customer service for our members. Many of which are also moving over to work at Sandwell Aquatic Centre.