Membership Terms and Conditions


  • Applications can be made at any Sandwell Leisure Trust centre, original documentation required as evidence for eligibility. Please note that there is an administration fee for standard and concessionary leisure pass applications made at centres. Memberships are valid from the date of issue until the expiry date or until the holder ceases to be eligible.
  • Applications can also be made online at Original documentation is required as evidence of eligibility on first visit to a centre.
  • Family Leisure Pass holders must live at the same address. Child are classed as between 0-17 years of age. Family members can include husband, wife, partner, children of applicant and all members in the Family membership must have their own membership regardless of age.
  • Standard and Concessionary Leisure Pass must be renewed every 12 months
  • Passes are not transferable and are only for use by the cardholder. Membership concessions cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts.
  • Concessionary rates only apply on production of your membership card or full charge must be paid.
  • Failure to produce a valid membership card will result in the full price being charged.
  • Only one discount or concession is permitted per person, per booking/activity.
  • Certain activities will require pre-booking. Your membership number must be given when pre-booking activities over the telephone and your membership card will be required for verification at reception.
  • 24 hours’ notice must be given to cancel all pre-booked activities (except fitness classes, gym sessions & lane swimming) whether paid or unpaid. Failure to do this will result in you being charged for that activity and prevented from using SLT facilities until payment for outstanding arrears is paid. Cancellations for badminton & squash courts must be completed by telephone or in person at the centre which the courts are booked.
  • Off-Peak Badminton is included in the ONE Card, Corporate and Family ONE memberships and is available before 5pm Monday to Friday subject to availability. The member must check into reception upon arrival and be in attendance throughout the duration of the booking. Bookings are restricted to one court booking per day for a maximum of 2 hours and up to a maximum of 4 players per court, one player must be the main membership holder. SLT has the right to remove this activity as part of the membership at any time.
  • Online bookings are non-refundable.
  • SLT members will be able to book 7-days ahead from 0.01am for all activities. Non-members can book up to 48-hours ahead for all activities.
  • Failure to cancel FOUR hours before the session or failure to attend the session or failure to check in to a session will result on the following: - A charge (based on the cost of the session) being charged to that member. We have limited availability and need to ensure everyone has equal opportunity to book a session. The advanced membership benefit being suspended until the cost of that session has been cleared and paid off the booking system. The booking system will not allow any future booking on this membership number until the booking debt has been paid. To pay a booking debt the customer can call 0300 012 0121 & select the centre of their booking or this can now be paid on Leisure Hub on the member account.
  • Members can cancel their classes / gym session or swimming online by logging into the members area and selecting cancel. The option to cancel will not show after the four-hour deadline has passed.
  • Disabled persons must show and indicate proof of disability on application form to gain free swimming.
  • Opening times of leisure centres and facilities may vary and can be subject to change. You are advised to check with the leisure centre you intend to use.
  • Changes to the membership scheme are subject to regular review and can be changed at any time without prior notice.
  • Any change in personal details or circumstances making your membership ineligible, must be notified to the membership team or nearest leisure centre.
  • The giving of incorrect information with the intent of defrauding Sandwell Leisure Trust will result in appropriate action being taken.
  • This information will be held and processed by Sandwell Leisure Trust in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
  • Sandwell Leisure Trust reserves the right to refuse the use of a membership, to withdraw the membership if it is misused and to refuse admission to leisure centres.
  • SLT will allow no longer than 10 minutes before re-letting pre-booked activities.
  • 12 months annual ONE CARD membership is non-refundable and cannot be suspended. This does not affect your statutory rights.
  • SLT reserves the right to amend membership terms and conditions at any time.
  • All members will be required to have a photograph taken which will be used to support identification of members.
  • Student ONE Memberships are available to students in FULL TIME education. Evidence will be required upon completion of the online application when collecting the membership card. Students under 18 years will need to apply at the leisure centre with a parent / guardian present 
  • All Junior users aged 14-16 must have a mandatory gym induction before using the gym independently. Use of gyms is at sites where gym teams available on shift.
  • The minimum age for the Swim Only and Gym Only membership is 14 years. Applicants for 14-17 years need be done via the parent/guardian by contacting the membership team on 0300 0120121. 
  • Parents/Guardians must complete the application for all Junior Standard memberships on behalf of the Junior member.
  • Sharing Information - We will never share or sell your personal information with any other third parties save where we are required to do so by court order or law. For example, we may be required to pass names of members or images from CCTV to the police to investigate a crime. Information may also be shared for pursuance of debt collection purposes and or legal proceedings.
  • Gym Only membership is available as a single site membership only, centre selected at time of joining. Any changes to this membership, i.e. changing to another centre will be subject to a conversion charge 

Direct Debit Memberships

  • Before joining, please check that your bank/building society allows Direct Debits.
  • A ‘compensation for default’ fee is charged for collecting unpaid Direct Debits.
  • All pay monthly memberships will require a pro-rata initial payment which will differ during the month dependent upon date joined. This pro-rata payment will cover all usage of the facilities until the first direct debit
  • Direct Debits can be suspended for a minimum period of one month, all requests must be sent in writing to the membership team via email or our online form giving a minimum of 30 days’ notice from the payment date. Suspensions must start from your payment date and be for a minimum of one month. Please do not cancel your Direct Debit with your bank.
  • Suspensions and Cancellation of Direct Debit membership should be sent in writing to the membership team via email or our online form giving a minimum of 30 days’ notice. You must also cancel with your bank.
  • Memberships are non-refundable

Swimming Lesson Direct Debit Terms and Conditions

  • Direct Debit memberships are for a minimum of three months Direct Debit payments, cancellation within this period will result in an invoice being raised for the outstanding amount.
  • Lesson fees are non-refundable where the pupil has either missed lessons or decided to withdraw from the programme altogether. Lessons run consecutively, the lesson credits will be utilized as each lesson takes place regardless of pupil attendance. In exceptional circumstances the Trust Management Team may exercise discretion on credit/s but this would only be on the production of a medical certificate or documentation from a medical centre, hospital or GP.
  • Refunds will not be issued for non attendance at lessons.
  • SLT Swimming Lesson discounts will only be available to those who have a valid SLT Concessionary Membership.
  • Should any member cancel their Direct Debit without notice an invoice will be raised for any outstanding amount.
  • A ‘compensation for default’ fee is charged for collecting unpaid Direct Debits.
  • Suspension of Direct Debit payment will only be considered where a child/adult cannot attend because of a medical condition. All requests to be put in writing to the Memberships Team with evidence supporting the request.
  • Direct Debit payments will be taken on or around 1st of each month. 
  • Cancellation of SLT Swimming Lessons Direct Debits will only be accepted in writing. 30 days’ notice prior to the payment date must be given. If 30 days’ notice is not received a full payment will be collected the following month and no refunds will be issued. Please go to complete the online cancellation form or email  and cancel the direct debit with your bank.
  • The monthly Direct Debit fee includes closures that are out of the control of Sandwell Leisure Trust. No refunds will be issued for these days.
  • For planned closure days and Bank Holidays, future direct debit payments will be adjusted to reflect these closures. 
  • The monthly DD payment is based on 50 weeks to take into account the Christmas closure period each year.

Free Swimming

  • To access free swimming all participants must register on line and then present their temporary membership number at any SLT facility to receive their free swimming card.
  • All participants must live within Sandwell and complete a postcode verification check.
  • Those aged 18 and under will be able to swim for free in designated school holiday public swimming sessions as deemed on the SLT website.
  • Those aged 60 and over can swim for free at any time of year before 1pm in any public swimming session. (Last Admission 1pm).
  • SLT are entitled to amend this offer at any time.
  • Free swimming cards can be withdrawn by SLT if any individuals act inappropriately when visiting any SLT facility.
  • Leisure Pass cards must be presented at Reception.
  • Proof of age may be asked for by Reception staff to verify age. Access to the swimming session may be denied if verification is not complete.
  • The existing SLT Under 8s policy applies for all sessions.
  • All existing members Over 60s and Under 18s need not apply for a free swimming card as this benefit will be added to your membership.
  • Sessions are subject to availability.
  • All members will be required to have a photograph taken which will be used to support identification of members.
  • All existing Membership / Leisure Pass Terms and Conditions also apply where applicable.

Joint & Family Membership

  • Regular membership terms & conditions will apply with the additional terms detailed below.
  • The joint membership is for up to two adults over the age of 16. 
  • Children under the age of 16 can be added for an additional fee per child (see membership pricing)
  • Once the additional children reach 16 years old then that member will be offered a student or One Card membership as appropriate.
  • The lead adult member can change the names of the children on the membership at no additional cost. This must be done by emailing
  • You are not permitted to suspend a part membership and retain benefits for all. Suspensions will only be accepted for all linked members.
  • Cancellation of Direct Debit membership should be sent in writing to the membership team and cancelled with your bank (provided you have completed you minimum contract term).
  • If an additional child is added to the membership the Direct debit will be automatically increased for that additional child.
  • All existing Membership / Leisure Pass Terms and Conditions also apply where applicable.

Sandwell Aquatic Centre Pre Opening Offer (Expired July 2023)

  • £25.00 fixed for 2 years until July 2025.
  • 2 year fixed membership price ends of the break of membership contract.
  • An initial fee of £9.99 will be required to secure the membership, with direct debit payments commencing once the centre opens.
  • Membership offer is not available in conjunction with any other discounts or offers.
  • Sandwell Aquatic Centre pre-opening membership offer is only applicable for sole use at Sandwell Aquatic Centre.
  • Members wishing to use other SLT centres must upgrade or join ONE Card direct debit.
  • Membership offer is limited and subject to review and or change at any time.
  • SLT reserve the right to amend, cancel or suspend the membership offer at any time.
  • All members will be required to have a photograph taken which will be used to support identification of members.
  • All existing Membership Terms and Conditions also apply where applicable.

SLT Youth Tennis Squads Terms and Conditions

  • Direct Debit memberships are for a minimum of one month direct debit payment, cancellation within this period will result in an invoice being raised for the outstanding amount.
  • Squad fees are non-refundable where the pupil has either missed squads or decided to withdraw from the programme altogether. Squads run consecutively; the squad credits will be utilised as each squad takes place regardless of pupil attendance. In exceptional circumstances the Trust Management Team may exercise discretion on credit/s but this would only be on the production of a medical certificate or documentation from a medical centre, hospital or GP. Refunds will not be issued for non attendance at squads.
  • Should any member cancel their Direct Debit without notice an invoice will be raised for any outstanding amount.
  • A ‘compensation for default’ fee is charged for collecting unpaid Direct Debits.
  • Suspension of Direct Debit payment will only be considered where a child cannot attend because of a medical condition. All requests to be put in writing to the Memberships Team with evidence supporting the request.
  • Direct Debit payments will be taken on or around 1st of each month. 
  • Cancellation of SLT Youth Tennis Squad Direct Debits will only be accepted in writing. 30 days’ notice prior to the payment date must be given. If 30 days’ notice is not received a full payment will be collected the following month and no refunds will be issued. Please email
  • The monthly Direct Debit fee includes closures that are out of the control of Sandwell Leisure Trust. No refunds will be issued for these days.
  • For planned closure days, occasional events and Bank Holidays, future direct debit payments will be adjusted to reflect these closures. 
  • The monthly Direct Debit payment is based on 50 weeks to take into account the Christmas closure period each year.