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A 30 minute mixed conditioning class working all major muscle groups. Based on functional movements – Lifting, pushing and pulling using free weights, body weight, functional equipment. Usually working in intervals to maximise the effect on the muscles.

Benefits of this style of training: Adds variety to your training, helps to improve strength, tone, endurance.

Train in a fun environment with others & provides an opportunity to get to know your gym team.


Only show me:
Fri 14/02
Sat 15/02
Sun 16/02
Mon 17/02
Tue 18/02
Wed 19/02
Thu 20/02
Time Activity Centre
07:05 - 07:35 HIIT Sandwell Aquatics Centre
12:15 - 12:45 HIIT Portway Lifestyle Centre
18:05 - 18:50 HIIT Sandwell Aquatics Centre