
Lizzie Griffiths – Customer Review – April 2015

Smethwick Swimming Centre

Just wanted to say a big thank you to all the lovely instructors at Smethwick Swimming Centre.

Over the past two years I have lost 5 stone through healthy eating and exercise. I didn't join the gym until December 2014 as, like many, I felt too self-conscious to do so. However, within a week I had forgotten about my insecurities and was made to feel really welcome and supported by all the instructors who are on hand to offer guidance, even if you’re not doing a 1-2-1.

Going to the Smethwick Swimming Centre gym has enabled me to get even healthier, stronger and trimmer. The instructors offered me the motivation and support I need to keep going and push myself even further.

It has also been lovely to get chatting to other gym members and it’s nice to feel that you have a supportive network of people who are trying to achieve results too.

Losing weight is definitely not about going on a crash diet or taking a magic slimming pill. It’s about lifestyle; changing your eating habits and getting yourself moving, whether that’s a walk around the park or sweating it out in BodyPump.

It is a daily battle but since joining the gym, I am seeing results a lot quicker and enjoying my new lifestyle so much more. I generally feel a lot more happy and confident, and any anxieties I used to feel about looking sweaty in the gym have gone.
Thanks so much to the team.