Les Mills Launch weekend in September 2022
Portway Lifestyle Centre
I participated in the les mills launch weekend in September 2022. BODYATTACK, GRIT Cardio, BODYBALANCE, and GRIT Strength. The atmosphere and excitement in the classes during the launches were fantastic, which is why I enjoyed them. You cannot help but appreciate the atmosphere because it was so vibrant throughout the classes. Attending one of these classes on days when you don't feel like doing anything and are depressed leaves you feeling renewed and pleased. This Launch was held at two leisure centres for the first time to bring instructors and members together for this launch. Even though I took part in a new fitness centre with new instructors, they were still able to support me. Particular GRIT. Attending greatly boosts your self-confidence and makes you feel like you can take on anything. You typically feel lot better about yourself and what you are capable of doing when the instructors are by your side and pushing you to reach your greatest potential. I would strongly advise anyone who hasn't taken part in a Les Mills class to do so. You can't help but enjoy yourself while working out with the music, the moves, and the overall environment.