
Instructor training at Smethwick Swimming Centre

Smethwick Swimming Centre

Sandra Clarke

Massive thank you to Jon! For all the help, advice and training you have given me to help me lose a massive amount of weight.

I also appreciate the advice you give me about my healthy eating, nutrition and what protein food and drink to take before classes and gym.  

Your classes are incredibly and they have taught me so many things. I enjoy doing kettlebell, boxing, weights & squats which is something I had never thought I would do. It is hard but with all the encouragement from you Jon has made it an enjoyable place to go to. You have made me confident in going to the gym and classes which have made me confident within my body. 

I would recommend Jon to anyone who is trying to lose weight as he has defiantly worked a miracle for me. You deserve the credit for all the hard work you have done especially with me. 

Thank you so much for everything 

Amy Burrill

Jon is the glue that holds Smethwick swimming centre together, Jon has stuck

with his Smethwick Crew and delivered consistently effective, challenging and

(most importantly) fun workouts- week in, week out. People go to one of Jon’s

classes because they know they are going to come out thinking ‘Did I really manage

to do all that?!’  And ‘When can I do it again?!’  The encouragement is real, and Jon is

proud of his gym goer’s achievements (they’re his achievements too). Jon does his bestfor SSC and we all really appreciate it. 

Jon has taught me:

- How to lift weights (heavy weights) with perfect form

- How to work out effectively on my own

- How to use the wealth of equipment available to me,

   in many ways

- How to have fun in the gym

- How to feel like the gym is my home

- The best stretches, and foam rolling techniques 

- The best protein shake flavour combinations (and other dietary advice) 

- At least fourteen different types of burpees, and 16 different types of push up

- To be confident in my abilities and to challenge myself. 

Jon has taught me I capable of so much more that I thought possible. 

All of this with a smile on his face, epic banter, encouragement, complete and utterenthusiasm for the task in hand and for my progression. The motivate sessionsperfectly compliment the classes too. I particularly enjoyed the XF, Boxercise,Kettlebells, Bootcamp and whilst I haven't quite become Mr Olympia championRonnie Coleman, I have changed. I am proud of myself and my abilities, and absolutelylove the gym, and my motivate sessions. No matter how tired or low I might be feeling,after a session at Smethwick Swimming Centre I know I will have a massive grin on myface, and everything will seem a bit brighter (and a whole lot sweatier) .