
Helen Williamson - 5 Star Day Nursery - Sports Day - July 2014

'All round it was a wonderful day, and the two coaches left a positive, lasting impression on our parents and staff. The nursery manager was impressed by the professionalism and enthusiasm the two coaches had towards our children, and was very pleased with how they both took control considering they have never worked with pre-school children.
We received comments on how organised the day was, considering we had got in touch with you at such short notice this was excellent feedback. You and your team really contributed to the smooth running of the day.
Gurby and Tannika represented Sandwell Leisure Trust fantastically; we do hope they enjoyed the day as much as we did. We were so impressed by the two coaches, how our requests were dealt with at such short notice, excellent time keeping and the general welcoming, enthusiastic and upbeat approach towards their work and so much more that we will most certainly use your service again.'